Demystifying SEO For Food Bloggers

Through the years, we’ve built a great reputation among various food blogger communities, and as part of that we often wind up getting hit with the same question over and over again…how can I improve my food blog SEO?  Well, we decided it was about time to answer that question once and for all by […]

How To Rank In Local Search

Local SEO is always a little bit of a mystery. Google has always had its own rules and signals for local search and it can be confusing to know what to focus on or why it’s even important to rank in local search. According to a report by Google, 50% of consumers who conducted a […]

How To Rank Higher in Search Results With Great Content

Google has made it no secret that in order to rank higher in search results, you have to provide great content. But many businesses struggle with creating content or even understanding what great content is or why it matters. Today we’re sharing how to create content so you can rank higher in search results. Be […]

Why You Need Content Marketing In Your Digital Strategy

The digital world can be a difficult place to get noticed. Many small and local businesses, start-ups, bloggers and entrepreneurs create their beautiful website and then expect the clients to come rolling in immediately. But that doesn’t happen. Sometimes you need to attract people to your website or online presence by offering more than a […]

Simple SEO Tips For Your Website

Google recently confirmed they had a major core ranking algorithm update which basically means there might be some changes in where your website ranks in searches. SEO or search engine marketing can be a confusing thing but it is essential to have some basic understanding of what will help your website get found online. After […]

Local SEO Tips For Small Businesses

There is a lot of competition for website visitors these days. Even if you have a beautiful website, you have to make sure that you are found by others and if yo are a local business, you have to be sure that you are found by the right people, in your location. The data shows […]

4 Benefits of Google Business View

Google Business View is a service that lets you showcase your a 360 look at your business to potential customers straight from your website, Google+ page or Google listing. Google took their popular “Street View” mapping tool and brought it inside with the help of Google Business View photographers.   Why do you need Google […]

How To Keep Your SEO Up To Date

To many business owners SEO is one of those technical terms that they know is important but aren’t sure how to manage it or how much time to invest in it. Often times, business owners will tell their web designers to make sure the website is SEO friendly and then forget about it. But SEO […]

SEO Tips for Small Businesses

Search Engine Optimization has (SEO) become a crucial marketing strategy for small businesses. Whether you run a restaurant, a bakery, or an auto shop, it’s essential for your business to be listed on the front page of search engines, particularly within the search results of people who your business specifically cater to. According to Google’s […]

Why Your Local Business Needs To Go Mobile

A few weeks ago, Twitter announced the growth of its user base to 225 million across the globe with 198 million accessing the platform through mobile devices. Not long after, Facebook unveiled that its users have grown to 1.28 billion per month with1 billion monthly active mobile users. Globally, there are 5 billion mobile users, […]